Cholesterol is a type of lipid. It’s a waxy, fat-like substance that your liver produces naturally. It’s vital for the formation of cell membranes, certain hormones, and vitamin D.

Cholesterol doesn’t dissolve in water, so it can’t travel through your blood on its own. To help transport cholesterol, your liver produces lipoproteins.
Lipoproteins are particles made from fat and protein. They carry cholesterol and triglycerides (another type of lipid) through your bloodstream. The two major forms of lipoprotein are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
If your blood contains too much LDL cholesterol (cholesterol carried by low-density lipoprotein), it’s known as high cholesterol. When left untreated, high cholesterol can lead to many health problems, including heart attack or stroke.
High cholesterol typically causes no symptoms. That’s why it’s important to get your cholesterol levels checked on a regular basis. Learn what cholesterol levels are recommended for your age.

HDL cholesterol, or “good cholesterol”

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is sometimes called “good cholesterol.” It helps return LDL cholesterol to your liver to be removed from your body. This helps prevent cholesterol plaque from building up in your arteries.

LDL cholesterol, or “bad cholesterol”

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is often called “bad cholesterol.” It carries cholesterol to your arteries. If your levels of LDL cholesterol are too high, it can build up on the walls of your arteries.
The buildup is also known as cholesterol plaque. This plaque can narrow your arteries, limit your blood flow, and raise your risk of blood clots. If a blood clot blocks an artery in your heart or brain, it can cause a heart attack or stroke.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTrusted Source, over one-third of American adults have elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. Find out how you can check your LDL cholesterol levels.
Triglycerides are another type of lipid. They’re different from cholesterol. While your body uses cholesterol to build cells and certain hormones, it uses triglycerides as a source of energy.
When you eat more calories than your body can use right away, it converts those calories into triglycerides. It stores triglycerides in your fat cells. It also uses lipoproteins to circulate triglycerides through your bloodstream.
If you regularly eat more calories than your body can use, your triglyceride levels can get high. This may raise your risk of several health problems, including heart disease and stroke.
Your doctor can use a simple blood test to measure your triglyceride level, as well as your cholesterol levels. Learn how to get your triglyceride level tested.

Your cholesterol level must be checked

If you’re age 20 years or older, the American Heart Association recommends getting your cholesterol levels checked at least once every four to six years. If you have a history of high cholesterol or other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, your doctor may encourage you get your cholesterol levels tested more often.
Your doctor can use a lipid panel to measure your total cholesterol level, as well your LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Your total cholesterol level is the overall amount of cholesterol in your blood. It includes LDL and HDL cholesterol.
If your levels of total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol are too high, your doctor will diagnose you with high cholesterol. High cholesterol is especially dangerous when your LDL levels are too high and your HDL levels are too low. Find out more about your recommended cholesterol levels.


  • Pay attention to the saturated and trans fats on your food labels, as well as added sugars. The less of these you consume, the better. No more than 10 percent of your daily calories should come from either saturated fats or added sugars.
  • Don’t worry about eating enough cholesterol. Your body makes enough whether or not you consume it.
  • Eat more healthy, unsaturated fats. Try replacing butter with extra virgin olive oil in cooking, buy lean cuts of meat, and snack on nuts and seeds instead of french fries or processed snack foods.

Guidelines for normal cholesterol levels

Your body needs some cholesterol to function properly, including some LDL. But if your LDL levels are too high, it can raise your risk of serious health problems.
In 2013, the American College of Cardiologists (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) developed new guidelines for the treatment of high cholesterol.
Before this change, doctors would manage cholesterol based on numbers in a cholesterol levels chart. Your doctor would measure your total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol levels. They would then decide whether to prescribe a cholesterol-lowering medication based on how your numbers compared to the numbers in the chart.
Under the new guidelines, in addition to your cholesterol levels, treatment recommendations consider other risk factors for heart disease. These risk factors include diabetes and the estimated 10-year risk for a cardiac event such as a heart attack or stroke. So what your “normal” cholesterol levels are depends on whether you have other risk factors for heart disease.
These new guidelines recommend that if you don’t have risk factors for heart disease, your doctor should prescribe treatment if your LDL is greater than 189 mg/dL. To find out what your personal cholesterol recommendations are, talk to your doctor.

Chart for Cholesterol levels

With the changes mentioned above in the treatment guidelines for high cholesterol, cholesterol charts are no longer considered the best way for doctors to gauge the management of cholesterol levels in adults.
However, for the average child and adolescent, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteTrusted Source classifies cholesterol levels (mg/dL) as follows:

Total cholesterolHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterol
Acceptablelower than 170higher than 45lower than 110
High200 or highern/ahigher than 130
Lown/alower than 40n/a

High cholesterol symptoms

In most cases, high cholesterol is a “silent” problem. It typically doesn’t cause any symptoms. Many people don’t even realize they have high cholesterol until they develop serious complications, such as a heart attack or stroke.
That’s why routine cholesterol screening is important. If you’re age 20 years or older, ask your doctor if you should have routine cholesterol screening. Learn how this screening could potentially save your life.

Causes of high cholesterol

Eating too many foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats may increase your risk of developing high cholesterol. Other lifestyle factors can also contribute to high cholesterol. These factors include inactivity and smoking.
Your genetics can also affect your chances of developing high cholesterol. Genes are passed down from parents to children. Certain genes instruct your body on how to process cholesterol and fats. If your parents have high cholesterol, you’re at higher risk of having it too.
In rare cases, high cholesterol is caused by familial hypercholesterolemia. This genetic disorder prevents your body from removing LDL. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, most adults with this condition have total cholesterol levels above 300 mg/dL and LDL levels above 200 mg/dL.
Other health conditions, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, may also increase your risk of developing high cholesterol and related complications.

What are the Risk factors for high cholesterol

You may be at a higher risk of developing high cholesterol if you:
  • are overweight or obese
  • eat an unhealthy diet
  • don’t exercise regularly
  • smoke tobacco products
  • have a family history of high cholesterol
  • have diabetes, kidney disease, or hypothyroidism
People of all ages, genders, and ethnicities can have high cholesterol. Explore strategies to lower your risk of high cholesterol and related complications.

Major Complications of high cholesterol

If left untreated, high cholesterol can cause plaque to build up in your arteries. Over time, this plaque can narrow your arteries. This condition is known as atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is a serious condition. It can limit the flow of blood through your arteries. It also raises your risk of developing dangerous blood clots.
Atherosclerosis can result in many life-threatening complications, such as:
High cholesterol can also create a bile imbalance, raising your risk of gallstonesSee the other ways that high cholesterol can impact your body.

How to diagnose high cholesterol

To measure your cholesterol levels, your doctor will use a simple blood test. It’s known as a lipid panel. They can use it to assess your levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.
To conduct this test, your doctor or other healthcare professional will take a sample of your blood. They will send this sample to a lab for analysis. When your test results become available, they will let you know if your cholesterol or triglyceride levels are too high.
To prepare for this test, your doctor may ask you to avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 12 hours beforehand. Learn more about testing your cholesterol levels.

How to lower cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes to help lower it. For instance, they may recommend changes to your diet, exercise habits, or other aspects of your daily routine. If you smoke tobacco products, they will likely advise you to quit.
Your doctor may also prescribe medications or other treatments to help lower your cholesterol levels. In some cases, they may refer you to a specialist for more care. See how long it may take for your cholesterol treatment to work.
To help you achieve and maintain healthy cholesterol levels, your doctor may recommend changes to your diet.
For example, they may advise you to:
  • limit your intake of foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats
  • choose lean sources of protein, such as chicken, fish, and legumes
  • eat a wide variety of high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • opt for baked, broiled, steamed, grilled, and roasted foods instead of fried foods
  • avoid fast food and junk food
Foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, or trans fats include:
  • red meat, organ meats, egg yolks, and high-fat dairy products
  • processed foods made with cocoa butter, palm oil, or coconut oil
  • deep fried foods, such as potato chips, onion rings, and fried chicken
  • certain baked goods, such as some cookies and muffins
Eating fish and other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids may also help lower your LDL levels. For example, salmon, mackerel, and herring are rich sources of omega-3s. Walnuts, almonds, ground flax seeds, and avocados also contain omega-3s. Discover other foods that may help lower your cholesterol levels.

What high-cholesterol foods to avoid

Dietary cholesterol is found in animal products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy. To help treat high cholesterol, your doctor may encourage you to limit your intake of high-cholesterol foods.
For example, the following products contain high levels of cholesterol:
  • fatty cuts of red meat
  • liver and other organ meats
  • eggs, especially the yolks
  • high-fat dairy products, such as full-fat cheese, milk, ice cream, and butter
Depending on your doctor’s recommendations, you might be able to eat some of these foods in moderation. Learn more about high-cholesterol foods.

Cholesterol medications

In some cases, your doctor might prescribe medications to help lower your cholesterol levels.
Statins are the most commonly prescribed medications for high cholesterol. They block your liver from producing more cholesterol.
Examples of statins include:
Your doctor may also prescribe other medications for high cholesterol, such as:
  • niacin
  • bile acid resins or sequesterants, such as colesevalam (Welchol), colestipol (Colestid), or cholestyramine (Prevalite)
  • cholesterol absorption inhibitors, such as ezetimibe (Zetia)
Some products contain a combination of drugs to help decrease your body’s absorption of cholesterol from foods and reduce your liver’s production of cholesterol. One example is a combination of ezetimibe and simvastatin (Vytorin). Learn more about the drugs used to treat high cholesterol.

Natural way to lower cholesterol 

In some cases, you may be able to lower your cholesterol levels without taking medications. For example, it may be enough to eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking tobacco products.
Some people also claim that certain herbal and nutritional supplements may help lower cholesterol levels. For instance, such claims have been made about:
However, the level of evidence supporting these claims varies. Also, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved any of these products for treating high cholesterol. More research is needed to learn if they can help treat this condition.
Always talk to your doctor before taking any herbal or nutritional supplements. In some cases, they might interact with other medications you’re taking. Learn more about natural remedies for high cholesterol.

How to prevent high cholesterol

Genetic risk factors for high cholesterol can’t be controlled. However, lifestyle factors can be managed.
To lower your risk of developing high cholesterol:
  • Eat a nutritious diet that’s low in cholesterol and animal fats, and high in fiber.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Don’t smoke.
You should also follow your doctor’s recommendations for routine cholesterol screening. If you’re at risk of high cholesterol or coronary heart disease, they will likely encourage you to get your cholesterol levels tested on a regular basis. Find out how to get your cholesterol levels checked.

New guidelines tackle misconceptions around morning sickness

Whether it's 12 weeks of feeling vaguely carsick or vomiting so severe that you end up in hospital, if you've experienced a pregnancy, you're probably familiar with morning sickness.
It's a cruel term, because those who've experienced it know that it doesn't constrain itself to the mornings, so experts prefer to call it nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, said obstetric physician Sandra Lowe.
But despite the fact that some level of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is very normal, it's still not well understood, even by health professionals, Dr Lowe said.
"There's a real absence of understanding of this condition amongst doctors, midwives, pharmacists, GPs, family members," she said.
Dr Lowe and her colleagues are aiming to correct this lack of understanding with new guidelines for the treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, announced at the recent Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist annual scientific meeting in Melbourne.
She said the lack of understanding about pregnancy nausea was especially problematic for women at the more extreme end of the spectrum: those with hyperemesis gravidarum.
"For the vast majority of women it's a mild problem, they can manage it with lifestyle changes, but for a small proportion it's a really serious disease," Dr Lowe said.
"It's also associated, in the worst cases, with adverse pregnancy outcomes."

Tips for managing vomiting and nausea in pregnancy

For most women, lifestyle changes are enough to keep nausea to a manageable level, Dr Lowe said.
  • Reconsider your multivitamin: "Those large pills that people take as multivitamins are often going to be making them sick if they're already got nausea and vomiting," Dr Lowe said. She recommended substituting the essential vitamins, folic acid and iodine, which can be taken in smaller tablets that are less likely to make you sick.
  • Rest when you can: Nausea often hits when you're fatigued, so heading it off at the pass by resting can help.
  • Avoid strong smells: When you're already feeling queasy, strong smells can make it worse. If possible, change your commute so you aren't stuck on smelly buses or trains, and see if you can delegate food preparation and childcare tasks like changing nappies.
  • Vitamin B6 and ginger: There's evidence that both of these over-the-counter supplements can help manage nausea and vomiting, according to Dr Lowe.
  • Eat and drink what you can, when you can: "It doesn't matter if they have their big meal at lunchtime and don't eat anything in the evening, if that's what works for them."
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Dr Lowe acknowledged part of the struggle for many women was that nausea and vomiting is often most severe in the first trimester of pregnancy, before people might be ready to let others know they're expecting.
"One of the problems is they've often not told people that they're pregnant yet," she said.
"They can't tell work why they want to work from home. They can't explain to their mother-in-law why they want them to take the kids.
"So one thing I would suggest is encouraging them to share their pregnancy early. There's no shame if anything happens — people get concerned they're going to miscarry."

What about severe nausea and vomiting?

While most women's experience with pregnancy nausea and vomiting is unpleasant but manageable, for a small proportion of women it becomes severe enough to threaten their health, or that of their baby.
Clinicians call this hyperemesis gravidarum. This new guideline clearly defines hyperemesis gravidarum as nausea and vomiting so severe it causes dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities and weight loss of 5 per cent of pre-pregnancy weight.
"[Mothers] can have major complications, they vomit so much that they bleed from their gut. They can get such major vitamin deficiencies that it affects their brain function," Dr Lowe said.
"They're more likely to get small babies, they're more likely to get pre-term babies."
There are medications that can help control hyperemesis gravidarum, but Dr Lowe said women and doctors alike were often wary of using them.
This is in part due to fear around the birth defects caused by thalidomide, a drug used in the late 1950s and early 60s to treat pregnancy nausea.
"People are frightened to use drugs. The doctors are frightened, the women are sceptical or concerned. So it's extremely important that doctors are confident to explain how modern drugs can really help without significant risks to the growing baby," Dr Lowe said.
"Some women do need medication. So this guideline very expertly outlines the benefits, the risks, the alternatives, the options for women in 2019."
She hoped the new guidelines would help doctors treat women before their nausea and vomiting becomes severe, and empower women to make informed decisions on how to manage their symptoms.
"We have no bandwagon to push for pharma. We are certainly not trying to create a disease from something that's normal — but we're trying to help that really small group of women who are beyond having just a bit of morning sickness."

Your morning sickness stories

Lisa went as far as shaving her head because strong smells triggered her nausea:
Samantha needed ice to keep the nausea at bay:
New guidelines tackle misconceptions around morning sickness New guidelines tackle misconceptions around morning sickness Reviewed by Clean Green and Healthy Life on 10:16 PM Rating: 5


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